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Published: Sunday, 17 January 2021 15:02 | Last Updated: Sunday, 17 January 2021 15:20 | Hits: 476

Check the discursive description that summarizes the conceptual / procedural content of the subjects program.

Research Methodology

Program: Introduction; Paradigms of social research. Positivist and interpretive approaches. Micro and macro analysis. Social research methods. Research process. Research in organizations. Research project, research report and scientific article.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Quantitative Research Methods

Program: Basic Concepts on Scientific Research: Model Construction, Estimation and Validation. Description of the Universe and / or Phenomenon of Study and Research Outline. Data Collection: The Problem of Representative Sampling. Organization, Processing and Representation of Data. Quantitative Methods: Exploratory Data Analysis. Statistical Inference: point and interval estimation. Comparison of Populations. Trend Analysis and Projection: Regression and Econometric Models. Introduction to Data Mining: Main Components, Classification and Analysis of Conglomerates.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Qualitative Research Methods

Program: This course aims to present the contemporary debate on Qualitative Research, to clarify issues related to the relationships between theories and methods, as well as to present some of the data collection procedures for fieldwork. Based on research carried out in the field of Organizational Sciences, the course seeks to present an overview of the qualitative research field, which allows: i) the understanding of the different research methods in relation to theoretical approaches, ii) a view of the steps necessary for the design of the research process and iii) identification of the data collection procedures required for each approach.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Organizational Management

Program: This course aims to provide a systemic view of the organization to participants. It includes basic content related to production management, market management, financial management and people management involved in the production processes.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Use of Statistical Software

Program: Laboratory practice discipline aimed at learning the use of statistical software.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Dissertation Seminar I

Program: Methodological and logistical orientation, individual or group, through specific topics, defined according to the needs of the Master's students, focused on the development of the terminal work of the Course.
Hourly load: 16 hours (1 credit).

Dissertation Seminar II

Program: Methodological and logistical orientation, individual or group, through specific topics, defined according to the needs of the Master's students, focused on the development of the terminal work of the Course.
Hourly load: 16 hours (1 credit).

Organizational Studies

Program: Characterization of organizational studies as a field and theoretical-methodological confluence. Distinction of the main strands of thought that contribute (or were decisive) in the construction of the field of organizational studies and identification of the residues of these contributions in the contemporary approaches of organizations and their transformations: Taylorists, Fordists and contemporary managerialism. Bureaucracy sociologists and the post-bureaucratic paradigm. The human relations and the psycho-sociological aspects. Cognitive currents: from national decision to organizational cognition. From systemic to neosystemism: approach to complexity and self-organization. Organizational studies in Brazil and Latin America: communities of discourse, vehicles and connections with international networks. Critical to the import of models and practices. Autonomy of national production and international insertion. It concludes with the mapping of studies on organizational dynamics in the country and abroad, identifying themes and typologies.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Organization Analysis

Program: Institutional analysis; Economic theories of organization; Congnitivist & Dialogical Approach; Sociological approach.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Corporate Finance

Program: Introduction to finance: ways of organizing companies, agency problems, capital markets and the company. Basic concepts: financial statements and cash flow, time value of money, risk and return. Financing decisions. Investment decisions. Cost and capital structure. Risk management in companies. Special topics.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).


Program: Introduction to the Capital Market. Capital Market Structure and Dynamics: Investors, Primary and Secondary Markets, Stock Exchange in Brazil, Derivatives. Stock Analysis: Fundamental analysis and technical analysis.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Business strategy

Program: Objectives and measures of organizational performance (Competitive Advantage). Industrial analysis and market power. Resource-Based View. Knowledge-based advantages: skills, routines and capabilities. Dynamic organizational capabilities.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Local and Sustainable Development Management

Program: Theories of economic development in classical economics. The emergence of the notion of “development” in the fifties. CEPAL thinking and the construction of a “Latin American theory” of development. Dependency theories. Conceptual models for interpreting the development process. Regional development theories: models of (un)balance and others. Ecology and Anthropology concepts and principles applied to development: the environmental and socio-cultural dimensions of sustainable development. Sustainable development and local development.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Innovation and Technological Development

Program: Observed trajectories and perspective for less developed countries in scientific and technological development. Mutual dependence on competitiveness and knowledge. S & T and innovation systems in developed and developing countries. The specificities of S & T systems in Developed and Developing Countries, the relationship with National Innovation Systems and policies aimed at competitiveness. Insertion of Brazil. R & D financing.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

State, Government and Public Policies

Program: The program is defined when the discipline is offered.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Environmental Policy and Management

Program: Conception of Nature and its evolution. The Scientific and Technological Revolution. Technology and mastery of nature. Evaluation and Social Control of Technology. Environment, State, Company and Civil Society. The concept of Sustainable development. Regulatory, Control and Environmental Management models and instruments.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Structural Reliability

Program: Introduction to Structural Design: Notions of Experimental Methods in Assessing the Integrity of Structures; Destructive and Non-Destructive Mechanical Tests; Notions about stress analysis (Theory and Measurement Techniques); Analysis of the Mechanical Design of Structural Fatigue. The Use of Reliability in Projects: Calculation of Reliability using a single load; Interpretation of Reliability considering resistances and variable loads; Reliability and Safety Factor; Analysis of Maintenance Centered on Reliability: History and conditions of maintenance; Maintenance Strategies; Risk Analysis Techniques for Process Reliability; Human Reliability in the area of ​​Technological Processes.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Project management

Program: Techniques and instruments for the elaboration, analysis and administration of programs and / or projects. Program and project evaluation methodologies. Program theory and logical models. Evaluation designs. Validity of evaluation studies and threats to validity.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Studies of Heuristic Methods for Production Problems

Program: 1. Introduction 1.1. Combinatorial Optimization and Computational Complexity 1.2. Heuristics, Types of Heuristics and Metaheuristics 2. Simulated Annealing 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Basic Components 2.3. Convergence of method 2.4. Applications 3. Taboo Search 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Basic Components 3.3. Additional Strategies - Long Term Memory 3.4. Applications 4. Genetic Algorithms 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Basic Components 4.3. Additional Strategies 4.4. Applications 5. GRASP 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Basic Components 5.3. Applications 6. Hybrid algorithms.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Operational Research Applied to Production Management

Program: The decision-making process in the scope of Production Planning and Programming and Operational Research; Modeling concepts and application of Operational Research techniques; Models for Aggregate Production Planning; Programming and Sequencing of Production and Project Management; Inventory Management, Batch Sizing, Assembly Line Balancing; Demand Forecasting.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Integrated Management of Industrial Product

Program: The technological innovation process and its relationship with the industrial product design activity. Industrial product life cycle. The nature of the project activity and the collective product design processes. Computerized systems to aid product design. Simultaneous Engineering and the forms of integration between design and manufacturing.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Modeling and Simulation of Industrial Processes

Program: Study of the dynamics of industrial processes: general balance of masses and materials; metallurgical balance. Development of valid mathematical models: dynamic and "steady state". Definition of parameters and model limits: validation by simulation of the individual mineral processing units, definition of control objectives aiming at the optimization of the process.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Mineral processes

Program: Industrial sampling. Mineral comminution. Sort by size. Mineral concentration. Solid / liquid separation (dewatering). Agglomeration processes. Drying.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Special Topics in Innovation, Development and Technology RL 1

Program: News and trends related to the proposed theme.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Development of Measures and Diagnostic Tools

Program: Critical reflection of the tools and measurement instruments used to analyze the individual, interpersonal and structural dimensions of organizations.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Worker's Health and Quality of Life at Work

Program: Concept of quality of life and work. Factors that influence quality of life at work. Subjectivity and meaning of work. Stress, coping and burnout.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Culture and Organizational Change

Program: Definition of organizational change, Organizational Change and Learning, Causal models of organizational change, Organizational Change and Culture, Public Administration and Change, Management of change and personal and organizational values, Impact of change on individuals and the characteristics of individuals on change.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Group Technology in People Management and Research

Program: The human group: fundamentals and functioning. The group as a resource in team management. Theoretical and technical foundations of the Operative Group Theory. Teamwork. The group as an object of scientific investigation, data collection and analysis technique.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Organizational behavior

Program: Fundamentals on multilevel perspective in studies of organizational behavior, Cognition and Decision Making, Values ​​and attitudes in organizations, Groups and work teams, Culture, Leadership and Power, Organizational change. Learning, skills and organizational performance.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Contemporary Public Administration

Program: The main public policies implemented by contemporary political systems are the result of a complex and continuous interaction between different actors, both inside and outside the government. Theoretical aspects about institutions, since a good part of the reflections on public policies start from institutionalist approaches (whether in the economic, sociological or political aspects). Different aspects related to the dynamics of social networks. And analysis of public policy networks, their characteristics and forms of management.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Comparative Public Administration

Program: Fundamentals of Public Administration in Brazil. The effects of globalization on public administrations and the new management approaches. Recent changes in the management of public administration in Brazil. Relevant aspects of Public Administration in developed countries. Case studies in Comparative Public Administration. Prospective view of public management in Brazil.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Special topics in Individual, Organization, Work and Society RL 2

Program: Current affairs and involving the proposed theme.
Hourly load: 64 hours (4 credits).

Masters dissertation

Program: Orientation for preparing the master's dissertation. It is a tutoring system (advisor / advisor).
Hourly load: 256 hours (16 credits).

Coordination of the Postgraduate Program in Organizational Management

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