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Research Lines

Published: Thursday, 10 August 2017 13:47 | Last Updated: Saturday, 18 September 2021 13:41 | Hits: 461

The PPOM - Postgraduate Program in Organizational Management consists of an Concentration Area in Organizational Management. The aim here is to develop theoretical, technological and management models for the public and private services sector through the integration of science and practice in administration and related areas.

This concentration area consists of two research lines:

L.P.1 - Inovation, Development and Techonology

The Innovation, Development and Technology line research seeks to open the horizons of cooperation between the various areas of knowledge and public and private management. It contains studies developed in partnership with researchers from other areas of knowledge, especially those that investigate changes in the production process and their impacts on the direction of socio-economic and technological development of organizations. New forms of production organization, new managerial techniques of organizations and changes in the work process are also analyzed.

Main related projects

Researchers involved and their main projects related:


Paulo Alexandre de Castro (Leader L.P. 1)

- Permanence and success in public educational institutions;

- Understanding the structure, dynamics and complexity of systems / networks (social, information, technological, biological);

- Epidemiological systems / models;

- Biological Physics;

- Physics / Statistical Mechanics;

- Innovation and Technology;

- Science teaching;

- Optimization algorithms;

- Complex Networks / Systems;

- Multiple Literacy (Sciences in Basic Education).

André Barra Neto

- Energy efficiency;

- Renewable energy sources;

- Cogeneration;

- Photovoltaics;

- New business models for clean energy;

- Electric and hybrid cars;

- Economic and financial aspects of clean sources.

André Carlos Silva

- Modeling and simulation applied to ore treatment;

- Applications of minerals in modern life;

- Development of new reagents for flotation.

 Edson Arlindo Silva

- Empreendedorismo;

- Inovação Tecnológica;

- Incubadora de empresas;

- Parcerias público-privadas entre empresas e Estado.

Geraldo Sadoyama Leal

-Techniques and Tests Diagnostic in health;

-Biotechnological routes and processes.

Luanna Lopes Lobato

- Software Engineering.

Marcelo Henrique Stoppa

- Automation;

- Robotics;

- Finite Element Methods;

- Optimization;

- Assistive Technology;

- Innovation and Technology.

Marcos Fernandes Sobrinho

- Innovation and Control in Public Administration (involves areas such as Law, Administration, Information Technology, among others);

- Transparency and Public Policies;

- Systems and Reviews of Administrative Flows;

- Integration of Data / Information and Innovation;

- Scientific and Technological Education for Citizenship;

- Innovation, Development and Technologies in Education;

- Inclusive education;

- Ethics and Integrity in Research and Publications;

- Permanence and success in public educational institutions.

Thiago Jabur Bittar 

- Software Engineering.

Vaston Gonçalves da Costa

- Innovation and Technology;

- Optimization;

- Modeling;

- Computational Systems;


L.P.2 - Individual, Organization, Work and Society

For the research line Individual, Organization, Work and Society, in general, we seek to identify the relationships between individual, public and private organizations and society, considering mainly issues related to development. The following themes stand out: organizational fields; power relationship; new public and private organizational forms and structures; individual aspects of the worker; changes in work and management of human, physical and financial resources. It also seeks to specifically recognize and analyze the different consequences of productive restructuring in relation to the world of work, strategy, culture and organizational learning and worker health, as well as their impacts on organizations and the notion of social environmental management.

Main related projects

Researchers involved and their main projects related:

Graciele Cristina Silva (Leader da L.P. 2)

- Nutritional evaluation of individuals and populations;

- Formulation and evaluation of nutritional interventions at organizations;

- Individual and contextual determinants of nutritional status and their impact at organizations;

- Nutrition, sleep and biological rhythms;

- Organizational health management and neuroscience.

André Vasconcelos da Silva

- Public Administration and Judiciary Administration: people management, organizational culture, deliberations and participation, marketing in the public sector;

- Cross-cutting themes: development of measures of social phenomena and quality of life at work;

- Behavioral economics applied to public policies.

 Adriana dos Santos Prado Sadoyama

- Dissemination and teaching;- Quality of services in Basic and Higher Education;

- LDB from the perspective of quality services in education;

- Multiple literacy (sciences in Basic Education).

Emerson Gervásio de Almeida

- Public Policies and Legislation;

- Contract management; and

- Management of professional space and legal practices.

Geraldo Sadoyama Leal

- Quality, organizational and safety culture in health and teaching institutions;

- Control and prevention of diseases in the health area;

- Multiple Literacy (Sciences in Basic Education);

- Techniques and Tests Diagnostic in health; Biotechnological Routes and Processes.

Gleiber Couto Santos

- Interpersonal relationships;

- Construction of measures;

- Mental health and psychology.

Ivânia Vera

- Clinical Nursing with an emphasis on adult and elderly health;

- Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs;

- Teamwork and health groups;

- Family and intergenerationality;

- Assessment of family relationships in different life cycles.

Luiz Almeida da Silva

- Worker's health;

- Absenteeism, presenteeism and its relationship with health;

- Health and environment.

Manoel Rodrigues Chaves

- Management and sustainability;

- Politics and environment;

- Public policy;

- Public Management.

Moisés Fernandes Lemos

- Psychological, biological, cultural and social dimensions of the health-disease process;

- Organization of health care (health work process: ethics, models of care, planning and evaluation);

- Psychoanalysis and psychosocial care.

Renata Alessandra Evangelista

- Quality of life at work and occupational health from the perspective of the salutogenic model;

- Learning organizations and health management;

- Organizational culture, health and safety in educational and health institutions;

- Health promotion, lifestyle in educational and health institutions.

Roselma Lucchese

- Mental health and psychiatry;

- Teamwork and health groups;

- Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs;

- Health of the elderly.

Serigne Ababacar Cissé Ba

- People management;

- Educational knowledge and practices in Higher Education;

- Organizational behavior;

- Culture and Organizational Change.

Vagner Rosalem

- Organizational Management;

- Business strategy;

- Organizational interrelationships (Market Structures; Structure and Dynamics of Productive Chains; Strategic Alliances; Cooperation Networks; Cooperatives).


The two research lines are integrated from the moment that innovation is generally understood as any change in industrial and managerial practice that improves productivity, competitiveness or meeting market demand.

Coordination of the Postgraduate Program in Organizational Management

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