Publications Showing
Graphical demonstrations of academic production generated by participants in the Postgraduate Program in Organizational Management
First showing: Total academic production
It includes all academic products developed by the group of supervising professors, students and external participants. Includes complete papers published in journals; annals of events; expanded abstracts; abstracts; participation in events; reports and opinions.
Second showing
Total academic production divided between bibliographic production and technical production
Third showing
Produção acadêmica total dividida entre as duas linhas de pesquisa do Programa de Pós-graduação em Gestão Organizacional a saber:
Total academic production divided between the two lines of research of the Postgraduate Program in Organizational Management, namely:
- RL 1 - Research Line 1: Innovation, Development and Technology
- RL 2 - Research Line 2: Individual, Organization, Work and Society
Coordination of the Postgraduate Program in Organizational Management